
Europa macht Schule (Europe meets School) is a voluntary programme that aims to promote interaction among peoples worldwide. It aims to bring the idea of global exchange to life and ensure greater knowledge and understanding of each other. It offers participants a first-hand experience, its people and its cultures.

Viele Hände greifen ineinander.

The Europa macht Schule (EmS) programme promotes cross-cultural exchange as an active contribution to understanding between the peoples with differnt nationalities. By taking part in EmS, those involved find out about the differences and similarities between other countries. This adds a first-hand dimension to individuals’ theoretical knowledge as well as helping to overcome prejudice.

A European sense of togetherness

By enabling direct, personal contact among young peoples, the aim is to promote a European sense of togetherness and consolidate European and global unity. International students from around the world can become ambassadors for their home country. They present their home country and its specific cultural, historical, social and political characteristics in creative ways in schools throughout Germany.

Participating pupils are offered first-hand access to another country, while international students can relate to their host country on a deeper, more intense level. That way, EmS is to stimulate an interest in social and political involvement among participants.

Europa macht Schule (Europe meets School)

… creates a specific point of access to the topic area of “Europe”.

… makes the idea of European and global exchange a lively and tangible experience.

… increases knowledge of other cultures within Europe and above.

… encourages worldwide mobility among school pupils.

… contributes towards making international students’ stays in Germany successful.

Vibrant and concrete exchange

The programme Europa macht Schule (EmS)nsupplements study visits by international students to Germany. It allows them to access a German life-world outside the university and puts them in direct contact with local people. This way, they get to know Germany much more closely than they otherwise would and the experience can pave the way for positive connections. The programme enables them to improve their language skills and get to know the German educational system as well as providing opportunities to engage with people outside the university environment. What is more, international students develop pedagogical and presentation skills that will benefit them in their studies and their further life.

This interactive project also enriches school routine.  EmS gives school pupils a first-hand perspective on another country through the international student. It provides insights into the diversity of different lifestyles and mentalities, potentially encouraging individuals to consider a stay abroad themselves.

Our EmSlocations overview page features an interactive map (only in German) showing the cities in which the programme is currently in progress.

For a first-hand impression of EmS, see the following video clip:

"Europa macht Schule" video clip (English subtitles available)

To start the video, click on the preview image. Please be aware that when the video starts playing, data is transferred to the respective provider. Watch on YouTube

For further information please have a look at the info flyer:

Download: EmS-flyer, general information (pdf, 510.46 KB)